Not what I thought it would be.
I got this app thinking it would be more of a character development organizer based off the images and description. That concept sounded like the app of my dreams. But alas all I received were useless lists I could easily achieve for free off the internet. It would have been nice if I were able to click on a category and then type in character information instead of having to skip over to the notes section every time. I know what you are thinking: "Why dont you just use a notebook instead of the notes section then? Then it would not only be much faster for you but more organized. Plus, typing on an Iphone is a grueling process nomatter how you look at it, Soubs37484488484." Well, that may be true, but let me tell you what else is true: carrying around a notebook at all times is terrible. It would be nice to put everything into something as small and transportable as an Iphone. It would be way better than having 200 notebooks or notepads for 200 different stories. If you are of the 15% of the American population that has no access to internet, bless your soul, then just maybe this app is for you. For the rest of you, this app is nothing the world hasnt seen before and is overpriced. Even after trying to use this in my usual writing for the past few days it has done basically nothing for me.
Soubs37484488484 about
Lists for Writers, v2.1